Our clinicians have a hands on approach and believe in evidence based practice.

Our aim is to help our clients/patients to develop better function and health through physical activity and to improve mobility and muscle strength and flexibility and to facilitate tissue healing.

The outcome is better performance and better sporting success with  less time lost to injury and rehabilitation.

Treatments and Services

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy – led by Sarah Meale Post Graduate Diploma Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Health Science Physiotherapy.

Multisport Physiotherapy is a local based physiotherapy practice. We provide physiotherapy services for the Devonport Squash Club and the local community from a clinic located in the Devonport Squash Club Gym.
  • Musculoskeletal diagnosis and referral for Xray, ultrasound, specialist.
  • Specialised exercise prescription and physical therapy
  • Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy New Zealand member.
  • Children / adolescence – Sever’s Disease, Osgood Schlatter’s Disease
  • Over 65 years strength, balance and falls prevention class
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Post surgical rehabilitation.
  • Injury prevention classes – for 11 plus and children 9-11 yrs.
  • Home visits – if required in local area for elderly less mobile patients.
  • Education – Women’s Health Workshop, Injury prevention and Warm up instruction.
  • Sports massage.  

How does physiotherapy fit in with my medical treatment?

Liaison with other health professionals – Dietician, Sports Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Radiology.

Your physiotherapist will assist with the physical side of your treatment and your doctor with the medical side. Your physiotherapist will work closely with you and your doctor to share information (with your consent) and review your treatment. Liaison with other health professionals – Dietician, Sports Physicians, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Radiology.


To help with your recovery at home, we have added some therapy and exercise products that you can buy directly from our supplier and that will be shipped to your doorstep.

Help us to keep you up to date to changes and new programmes happening at our clinic by liking us on Facebook.